Business Coaching

I believe in affordable business coaching.

When you think "Business Coaching", what is the image that comes to mind?

For me, it's a 1:1 container that costs at least thousands of dollars or a high ticket mastermind program with exclusive membership. While these work for some people, I believe the current state of business coaching has two problems.

I aim to solve these two problems with my business coaching workshops. My workshop is so unique simply because the way I operate it does not make a lot of money and it is very labor intensive for me. How so?

I want you to make money, and I don't want you to have passive income streams that come from interest. I want you to have the confidence that whenever you need money, you can make it. That is true financial freedom to me. The business coaching program is a collection of video materials along with ongoing 1:1 support. Get started on your path of happy business today!